Shropshire & Powys
07977 205992​
Professional Services
Llanerch Arboriculture offers a wide range of professional tree surveys services and advice.
Surveys and other professional advice
Being highly qualified and with a wealth of experience obtained from growing trees to pruning them; regulating treework to protected trees; assessing and managing the safety of a wide range of trees; representing public bodies in court and acting as an expert witness - Llanerch Arboriculture can offer a multitude of services for a wide range of situations.
Tree Safety Surveys
With over 18 years experience within a local government setting dealing with tree safety issues both from a legal claims perspective and also intervention management, Llanerch Arboriculture is perfectly placed to offer an up to date and legally robust tree safety system tailored to your circumstances.
Whether you are a large landowner with 1000s of trees or a householder with just a single tree we can give you a cost-effective professional service and advise on their condition and safety. We can also help you address any safety concerns or prevent any liability claims if a tree fails without warning.​
Trees and Development Surveys
Having worked at the forefront of a planning environment in a local planning authority, Llanerch Arboriculture has the knowledge and experience to help. From initial assessments of trees potentially affected by planning proposals to providing formal advice to satisfy planning conditions and even if it comes to it, to act as an expert witness at planning appeals and inquiries, we can help achieve a successful outcome.
All surveys undertaken in accordance with the recommendations made in BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design demolition and construction - Recommendations
Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas
We can survey protected trees, make recommendations and help you through the process of getting permission. We can advise and assist when dealing with new Tree Preservation Orders and help you through any appeal processes. Having extensive experience of the regulations and restrictions from working at a number of Local Authorities making new Tree Preservation Orders, managing applications to undertake works to protected trees and initiating prosecutions for blatant breaches of the regulations gives Llanerch Arboriculture a unique knowledge base to assist with any aspect of works to protected trees.
Chalara Ash dieback health and safety surveys
Currently working on the front line assessing the health and safety of Ash trees in relation to this potentially devastating disease across much of Wales. We are up to date with the latest research and can give objective accurate advice that wont cost the earth.
Trees causing damage to property
We can help assist investigations and make expert assessments as to the likelihood of trees causing damage to property due to subsidence or directly via root, stem or branch growth. Having dealt with numerous cases of direct damage and subsidence investigations Llanerch Arboriculture is expertly placed to offer suitable professional advice.
Expert Witness reports
We provide CPR 35 compliant expert reports should tree related issues become a legal problem. We are also able to represent a client in court and provide expert testimony when required.
Rare trees for sale
We are currently able to offer a small number of trees, some rare, for sale. Trees have been grown from seeds by ourselves and can be suitable for a wide range of situations including urban gardens. Click on the TAB at the top of the website for more information.